daughter kissing father

Be a positive model to children

  • Children learn from what they see you do. Behave in ways you want your children to behave. When you overcome challenges, solve problems, and handle conflicts in positive ways, you are modelling behaviour and making them feel safe and secure.

  • Showing warmth and love to both daughters and sons builds their confidence and self-esteem. Respecting and valuing your partner shows your children what to expect of future relationships.

  • Teach children to understand and manage feelings. Manage your feelings. Calm down before you react to a situation.

  • Label your child’s feelings. For example, “you are crying and rubbing your eyes. I think you are feeling tired.”1

  • Label your feelings. Talk about feelings, teach children that men have feelings and it is OK to express them in safe and positive ways.

  • Try using “I” instead of “You” statements wherever possible. Instead of saying “you are driving me crazy right now” try to express your actual feelings: “I am really frustrated right now.” Instead of saying “you’re a bad boy/girl” say “you seem really angry. Let’s talk about it.”2

  • Model self-control to your child by staying calm when they are upset or get out of control.3

  1. Northern Migrant Resource Centre, Parenting in a New Culture: The Preschool Years, Raising Australian born Chinese children effectively (2004) 29-30. 

  2. Ibid. 

  3. Ibid.