father with daughters

Creating a safe home

Both girls and boys need to grow up in a safe environment, where they are protected from danger and feel loved.

Children must be adequately fed and clothed, be safe from harm, provided with care, attention and adequate supervision. Do not leave your children alone at home or in cars.

Consider whether your child is ready to be left at home alone. There are different laws about this in each state and territory.

In addition to making sure your home is a safe place for your child to live in, protected from injuries and hazards, a safe home is an environment free from family violence.

Regularly witnessing violent acts in the home negatively affects children and is regarded as child abuse. When children experience intense emotional stress, the development of their brains can be adversely affected.

When a woman experiences intense emotional stress during pregnancy, the foetus’ brain development can also be adversely affected. This can impair the baby’s development.1

Children can experience: fear, anxiety, sleep difficulties, speech difficulties, stress-related illnesses, depression and poor school performance. They may also withdraw from people and events, experience or display bullying, aggressive or destructive behaviour.2

  1. Immigrant Women’s Domestic Violence Service, What about the children?: The Voices of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children affected by Family Violence (2008) 10. 

  2. Ibid.