father looking after daughters

Sharing parenting

  • Work as a team with your partner. Talk about how you will share parenting responsibilities and make plans together about what each of you will do to share the care of your child and house work.

  • Take a break or alternate the time when each of you cares for your child. This gives each of you time to rest or do other activities.

  • Sharing parenting work will help you develop your connection and communication with your child from a young age and set a positive example as an involved and caring parent.

  • Sharing parenting is also part of supporting your partner and helps your relationship as a couple.

  • If you come from a background where women are expected to be entirely responsible for caring for children, you may find the idea of sharing parenting challenging. Gender roles may differ greatly to what you were used to. Make an effort to make changes that will support your partner. Learn to do a few chores at home, learn to cook a few dishes, look after your child, and share responsibilities.

  • If you are unsure about how to share parenting or carry out caring tasks, check the organisations in Family and Parenting. There are websites, help lines and online chats to help you with advice on parenting.