Father and child

Fathers are important

The first years of a child’s life are crucial to their healthy development.

The environment that a child grows up in and the level of stress a child is exposed to during this period has effects on their brain development, learning, behaviour, and their physical and mental health.1

The role of men and women today in Australia is different from previous generations. There is more flexibility in what each parent does, and more sharing of parenting work. The role of fathers has also changed. There is greater understanding of the importance of fathers’ involvement in children’s development.

Children have unique experiences with each of their parents. Children benefit when dads are warm and loving and involved in their lives. You may feel uncomfortable showing and expressing your feelings, even towards your children: perhaps this is different to how you were brought up, and different to how your father and other men in your life behaved or still behave. For some, expressing your feelings towards your family members is completely normal.

Father’s involvement with newborn children benefits children. It is linked with higher levels of self-reported happiness, confidence, connection with their fathers, ability to manage new situations, and less emotional distress.2 Children who have emotionally involved fathers are more likely to feel emotionally connected themselves, have more positive relationships with other children and are better at sharing and turn-taking.3

Being an involved father also has benefits for you, including having a better understanding of your children’s development and having a better relationship with your child.4